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Project Inquiries - Tell us about your requirements and we'll propose a solution.


A screen recording project usually consists of Especially, recording solutions for mission critical systems usually involve significant consulting and custom development, according to our experience.


Please send your project inquiry to chris{at}demorecorder.com. ( Please replace {at} with @ in the email adress. )

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Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/htdocs/demorec/demorecorder.com/www/phpinclude/footer.phpinc on line 6
Training of users is expensive ...
        if you do it manually
again and again.

You can save a whole lot of money ...
... if you do it once and record it
so your users can watch it again and again
--> without you lifting a finger
--> and without spending any more money.