DemoRecorder® Download Page with Instructions

For normal DemoRecorder
(Pro, Web, Standard)

To start DemoRecorder after Installation, please use the start-menu of your desktop, or enter
demorec or /opt/DemoRecorder/bin/demorec
into a shell window.
Your web-browser may support direct installing of RPMs or DEBs from a website.
To try this, just click on the RPM-download-link or click on the DEB-download-link and follow the instructions.

Please use the "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" feature of your browser to download the files to your computer. Usually this can be accessed by clicking with the right mouse button at a download link and selecting the appropriate option in the popup menu.

DemoRecorder is available in three package formats: RPM, DEB and TGZ

In most applications RPM or DEB is easier to handle than the TGZ.

Here, You can look at the license agreements (EULA) before downloading.

Here are instructions for uninstalling DemoRecorder in case you choose later to remove it.

Download as an RPM package

32-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )
64-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )

Many Linux Distributions such as RedHat, Suse etc use RPM as their native package format.

Install the RPM-package using the GUI

Installing an RPM-package on these distributions is as easy as double-clicking on the RPM-package in the file browser and following the instructions.

So, download the RPM-package to your computer, and then install it as described above.

Install the RPM-package from commandline

Alternatively the package may be installed from the commandline with

rpm -i DemoRecorder-2.5.22-15.i386.rpm

Verification of RPM packages

The RPM packages are signed with a GPG key.

The public key is available here.

To have the rpm packaging system verify the DemoRecorder packages against this public key, please download it and import it with

rpm --import DemoRecorder.key

To verify a package manually, please do as follows from the commandline:

rpm -K name-of-rpm-file

The fingerprint of the key is
pub   2048R/F65C376A 2017-04-22 [expires: 2022-04-21]
      Key fingerprint = 3D4E 2EB6 6578 DDE7 7255  A0FE 105E 1205 F65C 376A
uid   Christian Linhart (Code-signing key for DemoRecorder) 

Download as a DEB package

32-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )
64-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )

Many Linux Distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu etc use DEB as their native package format.

Install the DEB-package using the GUI

Installing a DEB-package on these distributions is as easy as double-clicking on the DEB-package in the file browser and following the instructions.

So, download the DEB-package to your computer, and then install it as described above.

After installing, the documentation can be found in the file /opt/DemoRecorder/README.TXT.

Install the DEB-package from commandline

Alternatively the package may be installed from the commandline with

dpkg -i demorecorder_2.5.22-16_i386.deb

Verification of DEB packages

The DEB packages are signed with a GPG key.

The public key is available here.

Please download it and import it with

gpg --import DemoRecorder.key

To verify a package, please do as follows from the commandline:

dpkg-sig --verify name-of-deb-file
For that to work, you may have to install dpkg-sig with
apt-get install dpkg-sig

The fingerprint of the key is
pub   2048R/F65C376A 2017-04-22 [expires: 2022-04-21]
      Key fingerprint = 3D4E 2EB6 6578 DDE7 7255  A0FE 105E 1205 F65C 376A
uid   Christian Linhart (Code-signing key for DemoRecorder) 

If the RPM or DEB packages do not work, please use the TGZ-install described below.

Download as TGZ file

32-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )
64-bit Linux:
( mirrors: US ( http ), US ( ftp ) )

The tgz-format is suitable if your system does not support RPM-packages or if you want to install it in a non-standard location (e.g. in your home-directory in case that you don't have root-access).

The tgz-file has to be installed manually as follows. There are different instructions for installing in the standard location or ina non-standard location

Installing the tgz-package in the standard location /opt/DemoRecorder

As root, unpack the tgz-file in the directory /opt. This will create a directory /opt/DemoRecorder which contains the software.

This is done as follows on the commandline

tar xvzf  -C /opt
Finally, if you have licensefile(s), please copy it/them to the directory "/opt/DemoRecorder/licenses".

Installing the tgz-package at another location

You do not need to be root if you have sufficient access rights in the location where you want to install it.

Unpack the tgz-file in the directory where you want to install DemoRecorder:

tar xvzf  -C your_directory
(Please replace your_directory with the name of the directory where you want to install it.)

This will create a subdirectory called "DemoRecorder" which contains the installation.

Then change to the directory "your_directory/DemoRecorder/bin" and run the script "demorec-set-install-dir":

cd your_directory/DemoRecorder/bin

Finally, if you have licensefile(s), please copy it/them to the directory "your_directory/DemoRecorder/licenses".

Your Questions, My Answers for You

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at chris{at} (Please replace “{at}” by “@” in the email adress.)

Download sources of 3rdparty software

I wish you a lot of fun with DemoRecorder® and I wish you that it makes some of your tasks easier for you,

Christian Linhart
Nesselthalergasse 16
A-5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43 699 11444901
Registered Linux user #431772
DemoRecorder Box
Imagine ...
        You explain something and ...
... everybody understands you.

Your wish is granted...
... with DemoRecorder.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.

BTW, the website is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .