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1. Request your 30 day fully functional Welcome-License


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As a responsible person, I will never give away your email adress, of course. I value the privacy of you, my customer, very highly.

For more details, please check our privacy policy and our imprint.

I wish you a lot of fun with DemoRecorder® and I hope and expect that it makes some of your tasks easier for you,

Christian Linhart
Nesselthalergasse 16
A-5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43 699 11444901
Registered Linux user #431772

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2. Download

The download package contains the trial edition which includes watermarks in exported videos.

If you want to test DemoRecorder without these watermarks or if you need to use it for production use for the first time, please sign up above for requesting your 30 day fully functional welcome-license.

If you already have purchased and activated a license, you just need to reinstall the license file, to get all features of your purchased license.

If you have purchased but not yet activated the license Please go to the download page with instructions if you are downloading for the first time.

3. Quick download links

If you are upgrading or if you know how to handle this, here are quick download links:

If you have questions with these quick download links,

DemoRecorder Box

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