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Here's what others are saying about our business

To get a better idea about our product and services,
please read what our customers and the media are saying,
and you are invited to try DemoRecorder.

Testimonials from Customers

Customers of DemoRecorder 24x7
(Continuous Recording of Mission Critical Systems)

"The system is performing well – it just works"
"DemoRecorder is an integral part of the successful operation of Airways’ air-traffic control systems. Chris has a strong work ethic and customer focus, and I’ve enjoyed working with him as he’s enhanced DemoRecorder suitably for our needs. The system is performing well – it just works."
- Jeffrey Ross,
Principal Software Engineer, Airways Corporation of NZ.

Customers of DemoRecorder-Pro or -Web or -Standard
(Generating Demo-Videos or Educational Videos)

"I Decided to Give it a Whirl and it Worked Like a Charm for me."
"To demonstrate some workflows in my Web-application "yawebmail" I decided to create some screen videos and put them on the project-site.

So I searched the web for an easy-to-handle program (to run on Linux - certainly!) that offers the possibility to export my screen-recording as a Flash-video.

What I found was a bunch of tutorials describing the combination of a few cryptic commandline-tools to accomplish my plan - and DemoRecorder!

I decided to give it a whirl and it worked like a charm for me. It's easy to install, easy to use and delivers the screen-recording in a wide range of output-video-formats with an excellent quality.

My conclusion: Two thumbs up!"

- Stephan Sann, Author and Project Admin
of yawebmail
( http://yawebmail.sourceforge.net/ )
yawebmail is a webmail-client written in Java as a webapp.
"The Recorded Demo (Using DemoRecorder) Saved The Day!"
"I needed to record our website demo, to use as a backup at a conference, in case the Internet connection caused problems. And guess what, the wireless Internet conked out after some time and the recorded demo(using DemoRecorder) saved the day! As far as I know DemoRecorder is the best (and perhaps the only) solution for recording on Linux. To add to it, the quality of recording is far better than the one which comes packaged along with the Windows XP.

Keep up the great piece of work Chris! And thank you for personally responding to emails!!"

- Khushnood Naqvi, Co-founder/ Programmer/ Director
of Ninety Degree Internet Software
( www.90di.com )
the Travel Planner (Search and Booking) for India, and more
"Thanks DemoRecorder! Keep up the excellent service"
"We at ReviewLinux.Com were looking for a Linux-based software package that could provide us with Screen Recording and converting those recordings into Flash Video.

DemoRecorder was the answer we were looking for.
It does everything we needed and
their support staff are top-notch and friendly.

Thanks DemoRecorder!
Keep up the excellent service"

- Michael Perks
Shaoting Zhang
"The Video is Fluent and Clear"
"Demorec is amazing!
It's very powerful. It does not decrease the speed of my demo and the video is fluent and clear. I think it's the best one I have tried in linux."
- Shaoting Zhang
graduate student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Image Guided Surgery Laboratory
"The Customer Service was Outstanding"
"DemoRecorder was the only Linux screen recorder that I could find that provided the formats that we needed for our purposes, and the customer service was outstanding."
- Bill Duncan
IBM Printing Systems

Comments from the author of DemoRecorder to these testimonials:

These testimonials show individual experiences with DemoRecorder.

The typical experience, and your individual experience may be different.

Therefore we offer a free trial period, so you can find out yourself before you are paying money for it.

I urge you to make use of this free trial period before using your hard-earned money to by purchase a license.

Some additional comments to specific statements made in the testimonials:

If a testimonial contains typos, we may correct them. Other than that, they are original.


BTW, during your 30 day free trial you also qualify for full customer service, so you have the chance to test our customer service as well.

Have a nice day,


To request being added to this list of satisfied customers please send an email to
chris{at}DemoRecorder.com ( replace {at} with @ ) containing the following information:

  • Your name (if you want to have it displayed),
  • the name of your organization (if applicable ),
  • a link to your webpage,
  • a few (or more) words describing your experience with DemoRecorder and with our services.
  • optionally: a few words describing your business.
  • optionally: a photo of you
  • optionally: the logo of your company
  • optionally: links to videos which you have generated with DemoRecorder. (or you send me the videos in which case I host them on my server)

All submissions fulfilling the following criteria are considered:

  • You must have bought at least one license of DemoRecorder,
    • or you have qualified for a complimentary license,
    • or you didn't yet buy, but you want to share your experience with other users or customers (e.g. from your experiences with the free 30 day full featured welcome license)
  • Your text must be honest about your experiences with DemoRecorder and our services.
  • You have approval from your company, if the company name is mentioned in the testimonial

In any case, your testimonial is only displayed as long as you allow it to be displayed. To get a testimonial removed, please send me a mail, and I'll remove it as soon as I get your email.

If a testimonial contains typos, we may correct them. Other than that, they are original.

All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
This page contains company names and trademarks which are not marked as such. The fact that a name is not marked as a trademark or as an otherwise protected name does not indicate that it is free.

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Imagine ...
        You explain something and ...
... everybody understands you.

Your wish is granted...
... with DemoRecorder.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.

BTW, the website DemoRecorder.com is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( all-inkl.com ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .