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About Christian Linhart Software

Christian Linhart Software is a software company located in Salzburg / Austria / EU.


Christian Linhart, our founder, started freelance programming in 1988 with several projects for a CAD System.

Christian Linhart Software as a formal company was founded in 1996.

It started with programming-contracts in the area of CASE-tools.

The basic technology of DemoRecorder was developped in 1997 for use in command and control centers of metro railway. It was used on Solaris / Sparc.

The product was not called DemoRecorder back then. Actually it didn't have a real name for a while, then briefly was called "DisplayRecorder" until we named it "DemoRecorder".


Dipl.-Ing. Christian Linhart, our CEO

Christian Linhart is a long term software professional.

He was born in 1971.

He started programming at age of 11.

First commercial programming at age of 17.

Engineering degree Dipl.-Ing. at university in 1997.

He also worked as employee at TakeFive/WindRiver for about five years, and at Eurofunk for about 8 years.

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commmerce


Christian Linhart is member in the following organizations:

Business Registry Info

The company is registered with state-authorities (Magistrat Salzburg) under the (Gewerbeschein-)number 1/02/068669/96/004.

Company Address

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Linhart
Wagingerstraße 12/6
5020 Salzburg
Contact Us
DemoRecorder Box

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Training of users is expensive ...
        if you do it manually
again and again.

You can save a whole lot of money ...
... if you do it once and record it
so your users can watch it again and again
--> without you lifting a finger
--> and without spending any more money.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.

BTW, the website DemoRecorder.com is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( all-inkl.com ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .